Sky Organic Bentonite Clay is a healing clay best known for its skin healing properties when applied to the skin, it essentially absorbs toxins and poisons that get trapped in the skin. The clay originates from the mountainous Wyoming region and mined directly from the earth. It's coloring can range from light gay to off-white with little to no odor. It's filled with minerals and has a shelf life 4-5 years. One pound of clay makes approximately 10-15 facials.
Uses: As a facial mask applied directly to the face. They clay will absorb impurities and leave your skin feeling tight and clean for ace treatment when applied to acne infected area will help treat and clean the area.
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100% Pure bentonite clay, also known as sodium bentonite or montmorillonite.
Mix clay with equal parts of water and/or apple cider vinegar use a non-metal bow and utensil stir the mixture into a smooth paste. Add more clay or liquid as needed. Apply 1/4 in to 1/2 to the face or other area. Let it dry for 5-10 min. For delicate skin and 115-2- min for normal skin you will feel. A pulling and tightening sensation. Remove clay by washing with warm water slight redness of the skin is normal and it will disappear in about 30 minutes.
External use only.
Test small area first.
Pregnant women should consult physician.
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