A powerful antioxidant, glutathione can decrease in our bodies as we age.
Glutathione was difficult to supplement without an IV... until now.
New Liposomal supplementation Technology Increases Levels of Glutathione
What is Liposomal Technology?
A new form of dietary supplement, liposomal supplements are the most potent supplements that you can take orally. Other liquids, pills, and powders have an upper limit of bioavailability because of the amount that can pass through the gut or degradation by the digestive system. Lipo Naturals encapsulates pharmaceutical grade glutathione and vitamin C in a microscopic lipid bubble called a 'liposome.' This liposome becomes a vehicle for its contents that are easily digested, bypassing previous supplementation limits.
We put glutathione & C in the center to maximize bioavailability.
Why is Lipo Naturals better?
Making liposomes is fairly difficult, but we didn't choose the easy route. There are plenty of supplements that call themselves 'Liposomal' but really aren't. They just mix the required ingredients. Lipo Naturals manufactures and quality tests its supplements to ensure that you'll always get the increased benefits of real liposomal technology. We don't use artificial preservatives or lower grade soy based lipids, our product is sunflower based, creating an allergen-free supplement.
Yes, there's vitamin C in there. Glutathione and vitamin C are two antioxidants that work synergistically, each enhancing the other's potency.
Дистиллированная вода, лецитин (из подсолнечника), натуральные ароматизаторы (только ферментированная слива, мята и льняное семя).
Важно: высококонцентрированная формула. Перед употреблением проверяйте дозировку.
При изготовлении липосом используется лецитин, который может образовывать коричневатый осадок, что является нормальным. Встряхивать перед каждым использованием.
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