Why Take a Multivitamin?
Keeping pace in today's modern world can mean increased stress, poor diet choices and daily exposure to environmental pollutants. These factors can rob the body of nutrients that are necessary for optimal health and add to the challenges of maintaining wellness. While experts emphasize diet as the best source of nutrients, a daily multivitamin supplement can help you get the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. In fact, the American medical establishment has recently begun to recommend that all Americans take a daily multivitamin supplement to support health.
Formulation Means Everything
Nature's Secret® Women's 73 Nutrient Soft-Gel Multi™ is not just an ordinary multivitamin. It is designed to go beyond a strong foundation of essential vitamins and minerals by supplying 10 additional nutrition blends to support optimum wellness for women.
We have developed our multivitamin to address the specific nutrition needs of women. Using easy-to-swallow, fast release Liquid Soft-Gels, this nutrient-dense formula is unmatched on the market today and sets a new standard for women's multivitamins.
Nature's Secret® Women's 73 Nutrient Soft-Gel Multi™ is a simple way to build a healthy foundation that supports your modern lifestyle. Make it part of your daily regimen and feel the difference of Nature's Secret®.
Take Control of Your Health
Experience the Sensation of Whole-Body Wellness...
Detoxify • Cleanse • Rebuild
Who is Nature's Secret®?
At Nature's Secret we believe that the total body wellness is the key to overall health.
The conventional approach to health sees the body as a set of separate parts, each needing their own separate treatments. Take a look at the way our medical system is organized - from cardiologists to dermatologists, we have a doctor for nearly every body part. But nature has a well-kept secret... there is no separation between any of our systems. They are all intricately connected in a brilliant dance only nature could orchestrate. At Nature's Secret, we develop our products using this whole-body philosophy.
We understand, for example, that sluggish digestion can lead to low energy levels and shouldn't always be supported with caffeinated energy tablets. Our approach focuses on the origins of imbalance, not the signs of imbalance. This is Nature's Secret: total body wholeness and wellness.
Желатин, очищенная вода, глицерин, соевое масло, соевый лецитин, дикальций фосфат, пчелиный воск, масло со среднецепочечными триглицеридами (МСТ), диоксид титана (краситель), натрий медный хлорофиллин (краситель)., мальтодекстрин, куркума (краситель) и натуральный ароматизатор «Ваниль».
Содержит: моллюсков и ракообразных (крабов, омаров, креветок), сою, древесные орехи (кокос, пальмовое ядро).
Предупреждения касательно применения. Не следует использовать продукт, если защитная пленка повреждена. Перед началом применения во время приема лекарств или при наличии заболеваний проконсультируйтесь с врачом. Не следует принимать при планировании беременности, во время беременности и кормления грудью. Не следует превышать рекомендуемую суточную дозировку. Не предназначено для употребления лицами младше 18 лет. Хранить в недоступном для детей месте. Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте.
Законопроект 65 штата Калифорния: данный продукт содержит химическое вещество, которое, по данным штата Калифорния, может вызвать врожденные аномалии развития или причинить иной вред репродуктивной системе.
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