Get the immune-supporting, antioxidant benefits of Vitamin C with natural citrus flavonoids.
Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids from oranges, optimizes the beneficial effects of vitamin C by replicating the way it's found in nature – in the presence of flavonoids.
Although you might rely on vitamin C only during the winter months, this vitamin can support your overall health every day. Vitamin C has many roles in your body and is linked to impressive health benefits, including immune function, collagen formation, and supporting liver detoxification.
Because vitamin C is a vitamin that the body can’t produce, it must be obtained from the diet or by supplementation.
Thorne’s Vitamin C with Flavonoids contains ascorbic acid and naturally occurring citrus flavonoids. The flavonoids provide greater antioxidant capacity than Vitamin C does alone, thus better scavenging free radicals within the body.
Benefits of Vitamin C with Flavonoids:
The benefits of collagen production, its antioxidant status, and immune support make vitamin C an important nutrient for surgery patients to support wound healing.
Капсула из гипромеллозы (полученной из целлюлозы), диоксид кремния.
Защита от вскрытия. Продукт следует использовать, только если флакон запечатан.
Перед началом применения во время беременности следует проконсультироваться с врачом.
Хранить упаковку плотно закрытой в сухом и прохладном месте.
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